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Autor Thema: Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'  (Gelesen 16278 mal)


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Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« am: Januar 06, 2013, 03:50:11 Nachmittag »
Ich bin der Meinung wir sollten mal über eine Geschäftsordnung debattieren, um Rats- und BM-Wahlen zu regeln. Da wir auch Bürger nichtdeutscher Herkunft haben, sollte diese außerdem zweisprachig gestaltet sein, wie auch die Forenbeiträge.

Um die Arbeit des Parlaments zu regeln sollte außerdem ein Stuhlmann durch alle Abgeordneten des Hauses bestimmt werden.

Wer hat Lust, zusammen mit mir einen Entwurf auszuarbeiten?

--- English ---

I think we should even discuss its rules of procedure to govern the Council and BM elections. Since we have not even citizens of German origin, this should also be designed in two languages, as well as posts.

In order to regulate the work of Parliament should also be a chair man are determined by all the Members of the House.

Who wants to work out with me a draft?
Gold gab ich für Eisen

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #1 am: Januar 06, 2013, 03:52:02 Nachmittag »
fick ja o/


fuck yeah o/

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #2 am: Januar 06, 2013, 03:53:41 Nachmittag »
Like a Boss


Wie ein Geschäftsführer
« Letzte Änderung: April 13, 2013, 09:28:23 Vormittag von BadeSpaßMax »

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #3 am: Januar 06, 2013, 04:03:28 Nachmittag »
giv money

gib geld   8)
Competence on the battlefield is a myth. The side which screws up next to last wins, it's as simple as that.

Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'


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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #4 am: Januar 06, 2013, 04:09:46 Nachmittag »
The agenda (in following: GO) of the asgardian Council regulates all activities that are necessary for self-organization of the Council as well as regulate the in-game activities of the deputies. Any legislation in this regard have to be included in the GO to be mandatory for members of Council. Laws, which primarily include instructions to non-members of Council, shall not be included in the GO.

Table of contents:
Article 1 - Chairman (President of the council)
Article 2 - Citizenships (huts)
Article 3 - Ratssforum
Article 4 - Donation of money
Article 5 - Code of conduct for the council in case of Invasion
Article 6 - Sanctions
Article 7 - Salvatorius clause


Article 1 - Chairman (President of the council)

Election of the Chairman

1.1. - Election thread and acting chairman
1.1.1.) At the beginning of a legislature period a thread is opened for the finding of the Chairman of asgardian council. Hereto each congressman/congresswoman, the current Chairman of asgardian council and the mayor is qualified for. The thread maker cares furthermore for the moderation.
1.1.2.) The incumbent chairman needs to either appoint a current M.C. to acting chairman or remain acting chairman himself until a new chairman has been elected. This holds also true, if he isn't a member of the new council himself.

1.2. - Wahlberechtigung
Electable and elective are all councilmembers.

1.3. - Phase of Nomination
1.3.1.) In the first 24 hours each congressmember can propose a candidate, himself/herself as well.
1.3.2.) If there is no candidate proposed in the first 24 hours, or if no candidate estimates his/her nomination, the nomination phase is always extended up to 24 hours.
1.3.3.) A candidate must confirm his/her nomination to be permitted for the election.

1.4. - Election Poll
1.4.1.) After for at least 24 hours a forums-election about the confirmed candidates starts. The election runs for another 24 hours.
1.4.2.) If only one nominee confirms his/her nomination the election is no longer required and the nominee is the new Chairman
1.4.3.) The voting poll has its settings according to the guidance rules of article 3 B 3. II.
1.4.4.) If a councilman/councilwoman gets eliminated from council during the election or resigns from his/her mandate, his/her vote counts as delivered. His/her candidature to the office of the Chairman expires and the elections goes on continuously.

1.5. - Winner of election
1.5.1.) To win the election a plurality (relative majority) is sufficient.
1.5.2.) In the case of a tie a runoff between the two candidates going head to head has to be implemented. This election runs 24 hours as well until one candidate gains an ordinary resolution.
1.5.3.) If the run-off between the two candidates is going head to head and finishes undecided, the acting chairman appoints one of those candidates as successor.
1.5.4.) If one of the Criteria from paragraph 1.2) to 1.5.3 was not appropriately taken into consideration, the election is invalid and has to be repeated according to this procedure.

Term and duties of the Chairman

1.6. - Office term of Chairman
The Chairman of asgardian Parliament remains in office till
1.6.1.) he/she got voted ot of office or
1.6.2.) he steps out of office (see paragraph 1.10. on acting chairman)
1.6.3.) the end of legislative period (see paragraphs 1.1.2. and 1.7.2 for acting chairman).

1.7 - Function of the Chairman
1.7.1.) The Chairman has moderation-rights in the “council” forum (incl. sub-forums).
1.7.2.) Special function of the acting chairman at the begin of a legislature periode is adding all new council(wo)men in the council group and removing all no longer incumbent council(wo)men therefrom. This task needs to be done in the first 12 hours after the official results of the council elections.
1.7.3.) He/She monitors threads upon their activity and locks them if they are done or outdated.
1.7.4.) He/She moves non legislative period threads into corresponding archives.
1.7.5.) He/She monitors the abidance of the GO.
1.7.6.) He/She is not entitled to delete individual posts or whole threads or to displace them into areas which are invisible for other representatives. He/She is not allowed to modify posts of other representatives. Exception hereof is the implementation of an election.

1.8. - Deputy
In the case of longer absence he/she can appoint another representative as his/her temporary deputy.

1.9. - Impeachment of the Chairman
1.9.1.) Each council member can file an impeachment (forum poll) against the elected Chairman or his deputy.
1.9.2.) The application hast to have a motivation and an opponent (election rival) must be mentioned.
1.9.3.) The impeachment is valid with an ordinary majority. In the case of more than one opponent a new election must be initiated.

1.10. - Resigning of Chairman
1.10.1.) The Chairman of asgardian council can resign from his office.
1.10.2.) If he resigns, he has to appoint a current and willing M.C. to acting chairman or remain in office as acting chairman until a successor has been elected. Reelection has to start immediately after the chairman resigned and has to follow article 1.1.1.

Article 2 - new citizens (huts)

2.1.1.) Principally, a hut (citizenship) is only given after previous examination of the Ministry of Migration or the for this task by the president constituted office.
Grundsätzlich werden Staatsbürgerschaften nur nach vorheriger Prüfung des Ministeriums für Migration, oder dem für diese Aufgabe vom Präsidenten bestimmten Stelle vergeben.
2.1.2.) The representatives of the council pledge oneself to grant citizenship in all conscience. This also pertains after previous examination of the relevant office.

2.2.1.) The relevant office hereto prepares a list with hut applications and notes applications, which has to be rejected for reasons of state security.
2.2.2.) When there is no list in a legislative period it’s necessary to inquire directly the responsible office, if the applications may be granted.
2.2.3.) If the president does not constitute any responsible office the president is responsible himself/herself.

When it is necessary for the state security that voter from friendly states get citizenship before or during an election, it may on requirement of following offices granted without entry in the list:
- mayor
- Responsible Ministry of Denfense
- Responsible Ministry of Inner Security
These citizenships are immediately to report to the responsible office of migration.
When units of the forces in the context of the state security were set in other states the president or the for defense responsible office can decree repatriation. These huts are immediately to report to the responsible office of migration.

Article 3 - Council Forum

Access authorization
Every registered forum member has read access.
All congressmembers, the ingame elected mayor of Asgard well as the asgardian ministers and deputy ministers have write access.

Rights and duties

3.3. Everyone who has Write-Authorization is allowed to open threads on arbitrary topics.

3.4.1.) Before an Ingame-Amendment may be proposed, a discussion-thread on this topic about reasons and aims has to be opened at least 24 hours before.
3.4.2.) 48 hours before the start of an Ingame-Amendment about the law “War” by a councilmember, a thread on this topic has to be opened in the public area of the councilforum. An exception hereto is only possible with explicitly and written approval of the mayor and the Ministry of Denfense.
3.4.3.) From the prescribed procedure of 3.4.1.) and 3.4.2.) may be differed only if the applicant can prove a particular urgency of the concern for the welfare Asgards and its colonies (e.g. impeachment because of concrete suspicion of malpractice) or its citizens. He or she must immediately open a thread in the non-public councilforum.

3.5. All laws, which are not regulated by play-mechanic, have to be decided by a poll.
3.5.1.) The poll may earliest start 24 hours after thread-opening and must run at least 48 hours.
3.5.2.) Only councilmembers are allowed to vote. Th thread has therefore to be opened in the main forum of council, not in subforums.
3.5.3.) Bills in forum have to be guided in formality and wording by the GO.
3.5.4.) Election options are always: Yes(Ja), No(Nein), Abstention from voting (Enthaltung).
3.5.5.) All polls need to have the following options:
-Options per user / Auswahlmöglichkeiten pro Benutzer: 1
-Run Poll for: 1 (day) bzw. 2 (days) / Umfrage durchführen für: 1 (Tag) bzw. 2 (Tage) - (Abhängig davon, ob 24h- oder 48h-Regelung vorgesehen ist)
-Allow Re-Voting: Enabled / Ändern der Abstimmung erlauben: Ja
3.5.6.) All applications which doesn’t have laws (regulatory statutes) to purport are pure opinion-rendering and don’t have binding character.
3.5.7.) A bill with ordinary majority of Yes-Votes against No-Votes is assumed as passed. Exceptions are polls to impeach the chairman and amendments/changes of the agenda. Here are 2/3 of the delivered votes necessary - without the abstentions.
3.7.8.) A bill to change parts of the GO or the GO in its entirety is considered to be a change and thus needs 2/3 majority.
3.7.9.) A bill only counts as passed when at least 40% of the elected members of congress delivered their votes. Significant here are 40% of the current and according to the constitutive conference in the forum active councilmembers with taking into account persons leaving and exclusions. Abstention from voting counts here as delivered vote.
3.7.10.) Any election/poll is only considered vaild when all the conditions of 3.5.1) to 3.5.5) have been fulfilled. Else, it needs to be repeated.

3.8. - Primary Official language is English, secondary official language is german.
3.8.1.) All posts must be in English. A german translation should be added for complex issues.
3.8.2.) All laws and amendments must be in both official languages.

For each councilmember it is forbidden to give secret information which he/she got during his/her function as congressmember to outsiders. Including especially the full content of the non-public forum and the Bundestags-IRC-Channels, insofar those contents wasn’t published or visible in the public are of the council. Exceptions are only possible after permission by the Chairman.

Article 4 - Donation of council wealth

4.1.) Amount of donation: Each councilmember is called to donate at least two thousend coins to the state coffers (Staatskasse).
4.2.) Character of the donation: This donation ensued on a voluntary basis.

Article 5 - Code of conduct for the council in case of Invasion

If Asgard is under attack or lost colonies in a war, theses emergency decrees become effective immediately:

5.1.) Every council member is encouraged not to resign form his/her mandate. A residence on originally asgardian state territory is not necessary.

5.2.) Application takes place as a rule only after consultation with the eMinistryOfInterior or the mayor himself or an accredited deputy.

5.3.) When elections on asgardian territory aren’t possible until the end of the legislative period, the last elected council remains (acting) in office till the reconstitution Asgards. Same goes for the chairman.

Artikel 6: Sanktionen

Article 6 - Sanctions

6.1.) When a member of the council offends against the GO, the Chairman has the right to issue a warning at his/her own discretion.

6.2.) When a representative repetitive or conscious offends against the GO, the Chairman has the right to exclude him/her from the council-forum for a period of 30 days. During this time Ingame-Proposals from this representative are principally to refuse.

6.3.) In a special heavy case every representative hast the right to propose for a lifetime suspension. This has to be assumed by a 2/3 majority. A lifetime suspension can, by request from the affected people, be onetime checked, but not within a time period of 31 days after suspension. For a repeal a 2/3 majority is necessary.

6.4.) Upon entry a warning or suspension according to 1. or 2. the affected people has the right to raise an objection. In this case a poll starts in the council-forum about legitimacy of the warning/suspension where a ordinary majority result is sufficient.

6.5.) Polls according to 3. and 4. have a duration of 24 hours. Re-Voting isn’t allowed.

6.6.) The affected people will be informed about the full sanctions by a PM from the mayor, in addition sanctions are announced in the public area of the council-forum.

Article 7 - Salvatorius clause

Should one or more sections or sentences of the agenda (GO) because of non-unique formulation in several divergent directions be interpretable, sections or sentences are always interpreted, as envisaged in the overall context of the section.
Relevant to the interpretation is the particular discussion, which was the cause of the section(s) or / the sentence / sentences. The Presiding officer of asgardian Parliament makes the final decision on the interpretation of non-unique formulation. His decision shall the Presiding officer of asgardian Parliament document by appropriate references.

Just an idea ofc; suggestions are welcome, translation coming if wanted
« Letzte Änderung: Januar 06, 2013, 04:11:59 Nachmittag von Eternal »
[22:57]   lottelu   du bist echt der hammer

Asthoran an Position (23:40): MACHT NE KETTE
Asthoran an Position (23:40): ETERNAL IN MOLE

[21:21] <mag98> find ich gut Etto bist nämlich mein Vorbild

Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'


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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #5 am: Januar 06, 2013, 06:01:31 Nachmittag »
eine Diktatur hat keine GO ;)

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #6 am: Januar 06, 2013, 06:11:41 Nachmittag »
dann bring die ratsmitglieder mal um

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #7 am: Januar 06, 2013, 06:13:54 Nachmittag »

*duck und weg*

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #8 am: Januar 06, 2013, 06:24:45 Nachmittag »
Ach Leute, leckt mich xD
Wir machen von der Organisation her sowieso schon einen Stasi-Eindruck auf andere, eine GO macht es nicht besser :D

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #9 am: Januar 06, 2013, 06:39:57 Nachmittag »
Rea trollt ja nur.

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #10 am: Januar 06, 2013, 07:31:14 Nachmittag »
Rea trollt ja nur.
Ich ging doch glatt davon aus, dass das spätestens nach deiner "Diktatur"-Reaktion klar gewesen sein sollte. ;)
<FelixAquila> und wer länger den Autisten spielen kann, gewinnt ^^

Ich bin nicht feige, nur weil ich weiß was dumm ist!

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« Antwort #11 am: Januar 06, 2013, 07:32:45 Nachmittag »
Ich weiß das doch ;)

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #12 am: Januar 06, 2013, 07:46:45 Nachmittag »
Ich bewerbe mich um das Amt des Stuhlmannes.
Seine Heiligkeit Prof. Dr. Phil I. von Philopolis, erster Vorsitzender der Dreckgewerkschaft, Held der Gisibert'schen Kriege

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #13 am: Januar 06, 2013, 09:02:21 Nachmittag »
Ich bitte den Schreiber BadeSpaßMax um einen gemäßigten Tonfall. Der Herr raektionär könnte sich ob des sich überraschend ausbreitenden Humores an einem Lachanfall ersticken. ^^
<FelixAquila> und wer länger den Autisten spielen kann, gewinnt ^^

Ich bin nicht feige, nur weil ich weiß was dumm ist!

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Antw:Geschäftsordnung des Parlaments Asgards'
« Antwort #14 am: Januar 06, 2013, 11:10:09 Nachmittag »
ich hoffe auf eine rückehr des Gottkönigs  ;D
Competence on the battlefield is a myth. The side which screws up next to last wins, it's as simple as that.